On this page you will be able to put together a pair of Tfilin which have the qualities needed to be Kosher and acceptable for reciting a blessing. The inner scrolls (the parshiot) are written with the aim of including those basic aspects needed for fulfilling the Mitzvah. Use the drop down menu to make 2 choices.

Writing form of the parshiot: There are three traditions for you to choose from.

  1.  Arizal. This form of writing is preferred by Hassidic Communities.
  2. Bet Yosef. This form of writing is preferred by Western Ashkenaz Communities
  3. Sefaradi. This form of writing is preferred by Eastern Sefaradic Communities.

Next you will have to specify the arm that the hand Tfilin will be placed on. Someone who writes with the right hand places the Tfilin on the left arm. Someone who writes with the left hand places the Tfilin on the right  arm.

In previous times the only straps available were black on white. These are the straps which are available for basic Tfilin.

Basic Tfilin are only avalable in the standard size.