The Megillah scroll is read on the festival of Purim, which celebrates the salvation of the Jewish people from their enemies in the days of the Persian empire. The scroll tells the story of Mordechai, Queen Esther, King Ahashverosh and and the fanatical Haman who plotted to annihalate all Jews everywhere. Click on the pictue and you will be taken to a page with more info . There you will be able to chose the Megillah which is just right for you. The final price will be determined by the choices you make.
Did you know that some communities read other Megillot on other festival days? In such communities, when reading from a Kosher Megillah a blessing is recited! On Pesah, Shir Hashirim (Song of Songs) is read. On Shavuot the story of Ruth is read. On the Ninth of Av, Echah (Lamentations) is read. On Sukkot, Koehelet (Ecclesiastes) is read. These specialized Megillot, as well as illuminated Megillot Esther, can be ordered via the contact us page.