A Prayer Book (Siddur) for children


This wonderful prayerbook for children will help introduce children to the joy and beauty of the daily prayers. It is the result of many years of devotion and experience in early childhood education. Perfect for families, Jewish nursery schools, playgroups, daycare centers and the early elementary grades of a Jewish day school. Children relate easily to the illustrations and learn the prayers in aspirit of excitement and discovery. The siddur is available in two versions, Edot Hamizrah and Ashkenaz/Sefarad.

Edot Hamizrah reflects the traditions of  Jewish communities from Spain, North Africa and the Middle East.

Ashkenaz/Sefarad reflects the traditions of Jewish communities originating from Eastern Europe.  Use the drop menu to chose the Siddur that is right for you!

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This wonderful prayerbook for children will help introduce children to the joy and beauty of the daily prayers. It is the result of many years of devotion and experience in early childhood education. Perfect for families, Jewish nursery schools, playgroups, daycare centers and the early elementary grades of a Jewish day school. Children relate easily to the illustrations and learn the prayers in aspirit of excitement and discovery. The siddur is available in two versions, Edot Hamizrah and Ashkenaz/Sefarad.

Edot Hamizrah reflects the traditions of  Jewish communities from Spain, North Africa and the Middle East.

Ashkenaz/Sefarad reflects the traditions of Jewish communities originating from Eastern Europe.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg


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