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To all my friends in the US.! My trip to South Florida and New York was exciting and productive. The very first “Tfilin Halamish” course for Tefillin checkers and closers was dilivred to a small and vibrant group of youg Torah Scholars who are now qualified to open tfillin, check the scrolls inside, re-insert the scrolls, close the tfilin with sinew and refinish the exterior. There were great challenges in making the course happen. Probably the most disheartening was the confiscation, by the US Transit Security Agency of a can of very special black paint (called Benedict Black) which I purchased and broght to the US. I came with my associate and friend, Rabbi Nathan Glick, and the agency inspectors opened his baggage after it had been checked in Miami and confiscated. Unfortunately, Benedict Black is hand mixed only by a few experts and it comes in plain white unmarked cans, so the inspectors most likely thought the very worst of it. On a positive note, the students were excited, the acommodations were comfortable, our hosts were gracious. Since we  were located in the Bucharian Community of Rego Park, we were treated to some amazing Middle Asian cooking!

Before we arrived in New York, Rabbi Glick and I spent an wonderfull Shabbat in South Florida. We spent Shabbat with the community of Yeshivat Beit Moshe Hayyim, also known as the Talmudic University of Florida and we had the pleasure of hearing some Divrei Torah from the reknowned Rosh Yeshiva Rav Yohanan Zweig. The Yeshiva ws celebrating the engagement of a student who, if his speech was any indication, has a great future ahead of him. We also spent a day in the company of some extraordinary community activists, dedicated to helping those in need make use of the available community resources.   They are Mrs. Nili segal and Mrs. Ayala Avroya, who along with others have founded a charitable corporation called “Jewish Communities United, Resources and Enrichment” or JCURE for short. They helped us make contact with some wonderful rabbis and communities in the area of North Broward County, most notably Rav Oren Pinhasov and Rabbi David Shabtai of the Boca Raton Synagogue. A great friend and community activist by the name of Shai Goldstein deserves a hearty Yashar Koah for making our meetings happen. He dedicated an entire day to showing us a round and helping us meet so many amazing people. We made many new freinds and we hope to stay in touch with all.


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